The Social Media Marketing Handbook


Post Ideas, Social Media Erick Zajac Post Ideas, Social Media Erick Zajac

The Content Strategy That Will Get Your Restaurant Busy Again

You have hundreds of post ideas right in front of you already! It just takes attention to detail and precise evaluation to break your restaurant into bite-sized (pun not intended) content for your social media calendar. Creating visually appealing and engaging social media posts for restaurants can help attract new customers and keep existing ones coming back.

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Social Media, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter Erick Zajac Social Media, Instagram, TikTok, Twitter Erick Zajac

Popular Hashtags are Holding Back Your Social Media Marketing Success - The Key to Effective Hashtag Use

The best hashtags for social media marketing are not the most popular. Social media marketing hashtags have some do’s and don’t’s that can make or break a social strategy. I‘ve outlined some key points I follow for effective hashtag use throughout the three leading platforms my clients use: Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok.

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Social Media, Content Strategy, Post Ideas Erick Zajac Social Media, Content Strategy, Post Ideas Erick Zajac

60 Social Media Post Ideas for Small Businesses

Feeling stuck with social media post ideas? Here’s a list of common posts that many businesses use in their social media content calendars! I’d recommend saving, bookmarking, and returning to this list for inspiration in the future. It’s important to be consistent in your diverse content strategy to be successful on social media.

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Social Media, Instagram Erick Zajac Social Media, Instagram Erick Zajac

Turn Reel Views to Followers: The Instagram Funnel Secret

An important step to mastering the Instagram funnel is knowing how to turn reel views into followers. Instagram Reels (and Facebook Reels) are a great way to reach a bigger audience. They are the most recent focus of the Instagram algorithm in helping accounts reach new accounts and convert them into followers. The most difficult part of Instagram Reels, however, is understanding how to convert reel views to followers.

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Social Media, Content Strategy Erick Zajac Social Media, Content Strategy Erick Zajac

The Risks and Benefits of Cross-Posting on Social Media

New social media managers always ask: Should I be cross-posting between social media platforms? Is cross-posting a good idea? And many sources will say yes, which can help you grow your audience. But is a cross-posting strategy more helpful than harmful for your brand? No. The downsides of posting the same thing over and over again significantly outweigh the benefits.

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