The Social Media Marketing Handbook


Social Media, Content Strategy, Post Ideas Erick Zajac Social Media, Content Strategy, Post Ideas Erick Zajac

60 Social Media Post Ideas for Small Businesses

Feeling stuck with social media post ideas? Here’s a list of common posts that many businesses use in their social media content calendars! I’d recommend saving, bookmarking, and returning to this list for inspiration in the future. It’s important to be consistent in your diverse content strategy to be successful on social media.

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Social Media, Content Strategy Erick Zajac Social Media, Content Strategy Erick Zajac

The Risks and Benefits of Cross-Posting on Social Media

New social media managers always ask: Should I be cross-posting between social media platforms? Is cross-posting a good idea? And many sources will say yes, which can help you grow your audience. But is a cross-posting strategy more helpful than harmful for your brand? No. The downsides of posting the same thing over and over again significantly outweigh the benefits.

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