7 Instagram Post Ideas for Hotels

If running the social media pages for a hotel, Instagram post ideas can be a challenge. It’s easy to get stuck in a bubble when you’re constantly posting about the same thing. I’ve created a list of Instagram post ideas for hotels to help break that bubble and help you diversify your social media content calendar!

A great strategy when approaching these post ideas is to think as broadly and outside of the box as possible. Break down the top-level bullet points into the different specific qualities of your hotel to turn one idea into hundreds of posts. Once you get your posts, it’s important to spread them throughout your content calendar to get diversity and build your engagement and followers.

Let’s dive right into the fun stuff!

Hotel Instagram Post Ideas:

#1. Show off your hotel’s amenities

Take pictures of your pool, fitness center, spa, or other facilities and share them on Instagram. Use some hotel hashtags for Instagram like #hotelamenities or #luxuryhotel to attract potential guests — but be sure it fits your content.

If space and capabilities permit, drone shots are a great way of showing off openness. An aerial shot of your amenities can give a sense of freedom and subconsciously encourage guests to feel a certain way. You need to hire a licensed drone pilot (like myself) to capture content for commercial use. In return, you can get a library of aerial shots of your amenities that will make everyone’s jaws drop.

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#2. Share pictures of your guest rooms

People love to see where they’ll be staying, so showcase your guest rooms on Instagram. Be sure to include details like the view, bedding, and decor.

If you have an eye for design and your rooms have some unique features, it can be great to highlight that in your content. People love the little things and showing off paintings, sculptures, and decor will give your hotel personality.

#3. Highlight your local area

If your hotel is located in a tourist destination, share pictures of the local sights and attractions. This can entice people to visit and stay at your hotel.

Showing off local sights, views from the hotel, and popular restaurants nearby is a great way to help you stand out from your competitors.

The only thing you’re guaranteed to have that your competitors don’t is your location.

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#4. Share guest reviews and testimonials

Encourage your satisfied guests to leave reviews on your Instagram page. This can help build trust and credibility with potential guests.

Not only does this build trust and credibility amongst potential leads, but it also makes past guests feel included. Asking for feedback and reviews from guests makes them spread the word themselves. We all know word of mouth is the best marketing, so you should encourage it!

#5. Offer exclusive deals and promotions

Use Instagram to offer special discounts or promotions to your followers. This can help drive bookings and increase engagement on your page.

This one’s gonna have to get through a lot of executives, but it could drive engagement on your social media pages. Using competitions, deals, or promotions that require reposts and engagement from followers similarly enhances the word-of-mouth marketing we talked about before.

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#6. Share behind-the-scenes content

People love getting a glimpse into the inner workings of a hotel. Share pictures or videos of your staff at work, or give a tour of your kitchen or other areas of the hotel.

Another great way to add body and depth to your social media profiles. This type of content helps humanize your hotel brand and break down the barriers between you and your customers. This builds openness and makes guests feel at home, something hospitality needs to revolve around.

#7. Highlight your events and activities

If your hotel hosts events or activities, share pictures and details on Instagram. This can help attract guests looking for things to do during their stay.

Those one-time concerts or weekly yoga classes are great pull techniques. They build FOMO (fear of missing out) and leave guests longing and wanting a visit to be a part of the fun. It’s great to hire a long-term photographer to be a part of this, it keeps your content fresh and relevant.

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By using a mix of these ideas, you can create engaging content for your hotel’s Instagram page and attract more guests. To summarize, here are the seven types of hotel social media post ideas we talked about:

  1. Show off your hotel’s amenities

  2. Share pictures of your guest rooms

  3. Highlight your local area

  4. Share guest reviews and testimonials

  5. Offer exclusive deals and promotions

  6. Share behind-the-scenes content

  7. Highlight your events and activities

Implement these posts into your social media content calendar to help diversify your pages!

If you found this article helpful, please consider buying me a coffee as a token of your appreciation. It helps keep me fueled and inspired to continue creating content for you!


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