30 Social Media Post Ideas for Dietitians & Nutritionists

If you are a dietitian and need a few nutrition social media content ideas, I have the list just for you! It’s not uncommon to find generating nutrition content ideas a difficult task. It can feel redundant to post the same content over and over, and you may feel like your audience needs something fresh and new. But when broken down into slight variations, it becomes easier to build sustainable strategies for coming up with nutrition content for Instagram and other social media networks.

What Should Social Media Marketing for Dietitians Look Like?

Before we get to the ideas, let’s take a look at what social media marketing for dietitians should look like. For most of your followers on social media, nutrition is a goal rather than an existing habit. Your followers are likely looking up to you for your credibility and seeking advice or expertise. Because of that, the content you post should aim to provide nutritional tips and tricks for your followers to implement in their daily routines.

(Although it’s the most likely situation, it’s entirely possible your followers aren’t looking to you for advice or expertise. I’d recommend doing a quick and easy social media audit to better understand your audience. The following advice will still apply to you regardless, but the frequency may need to be adapted.)

What Are The Types of Social Media Content?

Knowing what your customers want is the first step, now we need to curate our strategy to provide value to our followers. Valuable content falls into one of three types of social media content:

  1. Educational — Content that provides value through teaching something new. An example would be a graphic showing the health benefits of doing yoga daily.

  2. Inspirational— Content that leaves viewers with desires, goals, and ambition. An example would be a progress pic of someone participating in a weight loss program.

  3. Entertaining — Content that doesn’t focus on relaying new information, but instead plays on the emotions of existing knowledge. For example, a meme about a recent health fad that everyone is already talking about.

Since we’re focusing on diets and healthy food, content ideas we generate will most likely fall under the educational category. However, implementing inspirational and entertaining content into our social media content calendar can help diversify our content and keep followers hooked.

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Educational Social Media Content Ideas for Dietitians & Nutritionists

Educational nutrition content ideas should focus on providing free, teachable moments to your followers. This type of content is best to grow your brand awareness. The goal of these should be to get followers to save your post or to turn lurkers into followers on your social media page. Some educational content ideas for dietitians are:

1. Different Types of Diets

Highlighting the different types of diets could be a great way to show your audience how complex nutrition is. You can then direct those interested in learning more to a content series about a variety of diets.

2. Pros and Cons of Specific Diets

Diving deep into each diet you listed above could help diversify your content. Those who saw your post about the different types of diets are likely to continue their browsing of your page thanks to content like this.

3. Myth vs Fact

Busting common misconceptions about nutrition helps solidify your credibility on social media. Use scientific evidence to support your claims and make your content accurate.

4. Budget Tips

Educating followers on the other end of nutrition can be a great way to make your content well-rounded. Providing insights on budgeting and the financials of nutrition creates a whole new topic of discussion on your pages.

5. Recipes

Recipes are a classic post! Not only are they saveable and shareable, but they also put your brand’s label on a specific dish. I’d recommend using your name in the title of the recipe.

6. Celebrity Diets

Using a celebrity’s name is a big bonus to your content. Potential leads could hesitate to remember you when they have never heard of you, but associating your content with a celebrity can help strengthen that connection.

7. Healthy Alternatives

Similar to myth-busting, showing healthy alternatives can solidify your credibility in nutrition. It can be much easier to target your audience with this content because smaller healthy alternatives are usually the first step to a healthy diet overall.

8. Misleading Marketing

Talking about the labels some brands put on their products to entice purchases can help you build trust with your audience. We most often side with those that call out big corporations for their marketing tactics.

9. Meet the Team

Highlighting yourself, and talking about your history, can be a great way to further build that trust with your audience. Talking about your background helps paint the picture when your followers try to envision your position within the industry.

10. Upcoming Events

There are plenty of events happening year-round that you can share on your feed. Whether you’re attending, presenting, or just hyping up an event, it can be a great way for you to build those connections outside of social media.

11. How-To’s

Teaching your audience how to do things is the best way to be remembered. It leaves your followers feeling like they gained something valuable and will be forever grateful.

12. Why You Need To…

Explaining and elaborating on why trends, diets, foods, and habits are beneficial can be convincing to some. It’s a great tool to use when trying to further beat down a point within your content.

13. For Kids

Tailoring some posts to kids’ diets and kids’ food can be good for building a connection with parents and caretakers. Understanding your audience is a big plus when deciding how frequently you should be posting content like this.

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Inspirational Social Media Content Ideas for Dietitians & Nutritionists

In addition to providing value to your followers through education, you should also be encouraging them to take action. Here are some inspirational social media content ideas to drive engagement:

14. Body Positivity

Showing off that healthy bodies come in all shapes and sizes through body positivity encourages follower engagement.

15. Progress Pictures

Body positivity and progress pictures can be seen as contradictory. It’s important to highlight progress relative to the individual and inspire others to find progress within themselves.

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16. Healthy Food Pictures

Show off those mouth-watering food photos you have saved in your camera roll! Many people struggle to find healthy food appetizing, but as humans, we struggle to contain our mouths watering at the sight of delicious food pics.

17. New Discoveries

Share the latest advancements in nutrition as a sign of progress. New recipes, new foods, or news about food policies are great for showing off the direction we’re headed in.

18. Completed Challenges

Challenges are great to encourage others, but finally reaching that goal is where we feel the most inspired to do it again! Share some of your or your client’s achievements to inspire others to do the same.

19. Testimonials

You speaking your mind on social media is great, but having your clients support you is the bow on top. Added bonus if your client shares the post to their pages as well!

20. One Thing to Do Today

A quick and simple “do this today” post can inspire others to take action. Being able to motivate someone to do something is not only beneficial to them, but you can also feel a bit of accomplishment as well.

21. Weight Loss / Muscle Gain

Show off those weight loss and muscle gain pictures to help your followers establish goals. Helping potential clients establish their goals can be the first step to action.

22. Your Own Diet

Don’t hesitate to share your own diet as well! Be a part of your own community, encourage feedback from other dieticians or nutritionists, and let others use your knowledge as a base of growth.

Entertaining Social Media Content Ideas for Dietitians & Nutritionists

You can’t omit to have fun as a part of your social media content strategy. Even motivational and healthy content can have opportunities for laughs and jokes. Here are some entertaining social media content ideas for nutrition pages:

23. Cooking Mistakes

Never be ashamed to post your burnt toast. Not only does it give you the opportunity to teach others, but it also shows off your human side amidst an otherwise perfect social feed.

24. Memes

If you find something funny, others in the nutrition community are likely to find it funny as well! Share those memes and encourage your followers to send you some back.

25. Fun in the Kitchen

Sometimes cooking can get boring when you’re dicing and dicing and dicing those vegetables. Take some videos of yourself tossing and catching some of those veggies, or messing around in the kitchen while your timer ticks down.

26. Challenges

Challenge your followers to some fun (or difficult) goals. Whether it’s following a healthy plan or creating something new, your followers will appreciate the engagement and creativity you inspire.

27. Quizzes

Quiz your audience to test their knowledge (and your ability to teach). The best quizzes can be made from fun facts or myths, but anything will work great on your Instagram story.

28. Polls

Also on your Instagram story, you can post polls! This is a great way to get your followers to engage with you, and for you to better understand your audience’s preferences or behaviors. Consider this creative market research.

29. Behind the Scenes Footage

Snap some pics or videos of you working hard behind the scenes. From creating food to making meal plans, that behind-the-scenes insight can be a great peek into your daily life for new followers.

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30. Trying Out New Foods

If you are actively encouraging your audience to do something new, you should set an example and do so as well! When you try out new foods, capture a reaction video and share your thoughts with your followers for some entertaining content.

How do I Implement My Social Media Strategy?

The best way to implement your new content ideas is to create a content calendar. Although being timely and actively following trends is ideal for growing your Instagram following, it can be difficult to focus on social media growth when occupied with your job.

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