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Step-by-Step Guide to Building a Strong Social Media Presence

As a business owner in today’s digital age, having a strong social media presence is crucial for reaching your target audience and growing your brand.

Social media is the equivalent of word-of-mouth marketing but on a much larger scale. You have the potential to reach a larger portion of your target audience — but only if you use social media correctly.

Growing a following on social media can be a challenging task, though. That’s why it’s essential to understand the various strategies that you can use to grow your brand’s social media following.

Here are some of my foundational strategies for growing your brand’s social media following:

5 Strategies for Growing Your Brand’s Social Media Following

#1. Consistency is Key

One of the most important strategies for growing your social media following is to be consistent with your content. This means posting regularly and at the same time every day.

You should create a content calendar that covers a diverse set of goals throughout your overall marketing strategy. Balancing this out can be a tough act, though. If you’re trying to step your game up rather than just get a foot through the door, I recommend you hire a part-time social media manager (like myself) to dig deep into your marketing strategy.

By staying consistent with a well-defined strategy, you’ll keep your followers engaged and interested in your brand, and your brand will be more likely to show up in their feeds.

Suggested: 60 Social Media Post Ideas for Small Businesses

#2. Use Relevant Hashtags

Using relevant hashtags is another effective strategy for growing your brand’s social media following. This allows you to reach a wider audience, beyond just your existing followers.

When you use hashtags, make sure they are relevant to your brand and your post. This way, you’ll attract the right people to your brand.

Suggested: The Best Hashtags for Social Media Aren’t the Most Popular Ones

#3. Engage with Your Followers

Engaging with your followers is essential for building a strong relationship with them.

Respond to comments and direct messages promptly, and take the time to get to know your followers. This will help you build a loyal following who will be more likely to share your content with others.

Suggested: 6 Social Media Habits for Consistent Follower Growth

#4. Collaborate with Influencers

Influencer marketing is another effective strategy for growing your brand’s social media following. Partnering with influencers in your niche can help you reach a larger audience and attract new followers.

By collaborating with an influencer, you can tap into their existing audience and get your brand in front of new people.

#5. Make Use of Instagram’s Features

Instagram has a variety of features that can help you grow your following, such as Instagram Stories, Guides, Store Pages, and Reels.

Make use of these features to showcase your brand in a fun and engaging way. This will help you stand out from the crowd and attract new followers.


Growing your brand’s social media following takes time and effort, but with the right strategies, you can achieve great results.

Consistency, the use of relevant hashtags, engagement with followers, collaboration with influencers, and making use of Instagram’s features are all great ways to grow your brand’s social media following and your Instagram account.

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Happy Posting!